Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Now available for less!

Before you read any further, this is not a come-on for some massive, super-discount program that will save you gobs and gobs of money. That is, unless you buy a whole lot of my books.... :-)

I did a little survey a while back and discovered that a lot of other fantasy ebooks are selling for significantly less than I was asking for mine. I began to think about that and wondered - what was I thinking?

I was thinking that I worked hard on these books, they represent a lot of effort on my part, I deserve compensation, blah, blah, blah. All of that is true, more or less, (except the blah, blah, blah part). Then I started thinking, is that what I really want?

The answer to that is no.

Okay, so yes, I do want a lot of money, who doesn't? Even the ultra-rich (always) want more.

But that's not the point.

What I really want is a lot of readers who are willing to buy my work because they like it and they're willing to pay a little bit to get it. After all, these are ebooks, not something you can just hold in your hand and pick up and put down, like a "real" book (unless you have an ebook reader that handles encrypted PDFs and looks sort of like a book...). That means you can either read it on a computer, which can be somewhat simple if you have a netbook and really good eyesight, or you can print it out and carry around a sheaf of paper that is too thick to staple together with a normal stapler, even if you print it 2-up, back to back, or even smaller.

I can't sit at a computer long enough to read a whole book any more, even when I'm not editing it. (I used to be able to, but that's a long story, not for here.) My book won't generate any more income for you, unlike others priced at $20 and up that might, if you're diligent, lucky, a good salesperson, etc., etc.

So, I blew the prices down to a genuinely reasonable low that probably will never get any lower because, well, they are worth that much. I won't quote the prices here, but you can get at them easily on my home page, http://zentektales.com.

What do you think? Let me know - post a comment, send an email, or buy a book! :-)

By the way, I promise I will have Metamorphoses out this month, along with new editions of Minx and Festival, and Reckoning will be out next month. They really are almost done - just one more quick (ha ha ha!) clean-up editing pass.

Tell you what - if you buy now, or any time for that matter, when a new edition of any of my ebooks becomes available, I will email you a free update, unless you tell me not to do that. Is that better?

Before I forget, Return is now available on Amazon and other on-line retailers. If you search on Amazon for "Zentek Ascendant," you'll find it. If not, google for ISBNs 978-1-4415-3593-1 (paperback) or 978-1-4415-3594-8 (hardback) and be aware - I can't change those prices, directly. Check my web page - I'll be putting together a discount offer as soon as the whole set is out in ebooks.

Thanks for reading!

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