Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Metamorphoses," Latest Editions Released

After weeks of slaving over the keyboard,...

Wait a second! You don't really want to hear about that, do you?

It's been a while since I posted anything here, so I figured I'm way overdue. You've been so patient, waiting for me to get my head out of, er, the dark, and I've been so, ah, busy. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Okay, enough fooling around. For now.

Metamorphoses, Zentek Ascendant, Book IV is now available in ebook format at my website. It took me a while, but I think the wait will be worthwhile because it's better than ever, and it brings you closer to the conclusion with some great new insights, revelations and a soaring romantic edge that - never mind, just read it! :-)

I also released the latest and greatest editions of Minx and Festival, improving their flow and style to be more consistent, more fun, more absorbing, more - I could go on all day; wouldn't you rather just get them and decide for yourself? I slashed the prices a while back because, although I still think they're worth lots more, I'd rather have readers than high prices or a whopping big income from them. I'd love to have a whopping big income - who wouldn't - but I realize that these are ebooks, with all the advantages and disadvantages that entails, and I can't see driving potential readers away with "real book" prices for the files.

I have another idea: if you like what you see, buy the print edition of Return, whose print title is Zentek Ascendant, Book I: Return (don't ask, please), and I'll give you all five ebooks for free, including Reckoning as soon as it becomes available. The print editions, both soft and hard cover, are available directly from, or on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others. As far as I can tell, B&N ( has it for the lowest price so far, so get it there.

Comments? Questions? Nasty remarks? Feel free to post on the blog, or email me directly at I love getting feedback of all kinds, and I have the leather skin to prove it!

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