Thursday, September 24, 2009

Zentek Ascendant complete (old news)

As some of you have probably noticed already, mainly because this is such a late announcement, the Zentek Ascendant story is complete. All five ebooks are now available.

So why am I calling it a story instead of a series? See below, about two paragraphs.

I've also posted an offer on the home page - buy the print edition of book I, Return and email me a proof of purchase, and I'll give you all five ebooks F*R*E*E. That's currently around a $15 value, if you consider ebooks as having value.

I've also modified my home page rather dramatically. Take a look and see what you think, and tell me. The opening page has lots of links to click through to the main site (which is called page 2, now), but it will automatically redirect there after about 20 seconds. I've been told I should get rid of that front page - what do you think?

As for why the "story" vs. "series" distinction? To me, this is all one, long story that just doesn't fit well into a single book. It's not a series any more than the Lord of the Rings is a series - it's just one story that fits better into three volumes, five in my case.

For example, the Dune series is just that - a series of single volume stories that are part of a larger universe but aren't all the same, single story about the same people. The Xanth series by Piers Anthony is also a series, along similar categorical lines.

On the other hand, the Belgariad by David Eddings is more like a single, long story in five books. In some respects, mine is a lot like that, only the "coming of age" aspect in my books is quite different from Eddings'.

Take a look, see what you think, and tell me, please! Comments welcome.